Room Connector(RC)功能特色為何?
Room Connector(RC)可將傳統的H.323/SIP設備,連入Zoom的雲端會議室。
當主持端加購RC 服務,您的與會者可透過既有的視訊專用設備直接撥入您的Zoom線上會議室參會
*支援參會者端以 H.323/SIP 設備撥入。
1. TelyHD:TelyHD Pro
2. Polycom:VSX 7000、7000e, 8000;Group 500;HDX 6000 series;HDX 7000 series;HDX 8000 series;HDX 9000 series;RMX 2000 MCU(MPMx cards) ※軟體所需版本7.5或以上
3. LifeSize:Icon 600、800;Express 220;Team 220;Room 220、220i
4. Cisco/Tandberg:Cisco SX10、SX20;Cisco C20、C20 Plus、C40、C60、C90;Tandberg 880 MXP;Tandberg 6000 MXP
5. Aver:EVC 900、130、130P、100
6. Huawei:VP9030、VP9050、TE30
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Zoom為SaaS軟體型的多人視訊服務(Software as a Service),以超前創新的技術,專注於提供客戶最專業友善的使用體驗。
有關一般的會議安排和其它會議設定的詳細資訊,請參閱schedule a meeting的文件說明。
- 具有Zoom Webinar加值服務授權
- 如果您以Google Calendar (web or mobile) 或 Outlook (desktop or web)其中一個服務來安排會議,為獲得更好的體驗,請使用這些日曆的Zoom Scheduler附加元件。
- 由於您的個人會議ID(PMI)是固定的且保留給您專屬的,PMI無法用於安排固定重複循環(每日/每週/每月) 的週期性會議。但您可於任何時間用PMI召開臨時性會議或安排單一場會議(類似於無固定時間週期性會議)。
- 在 Zoom電腦應用程式、行動裝置App、Google日曆或Outlook中安排週期性會議時,您可以選擇任何重複模式來安排週期性會議並顯示於您的慣用日曆上,但在Zoom App會議資訊列表將始終顯示為無固定時間週期性會議。
- 要在Zoom電腦應用程式或行動裝置App中顯示個別會議資訊,您必須登入摩百數位官網後台進行會議排程,否則會議將在Zoom電腦應用程式或行動裝置App中顯示為無固定時間週期性會議,個別會議資訊僅顯示於您的日曆上。
- 每一週期性會議排程最多可安排60場同會議ID的會議,如果您需要某週期性會議可超過60場重複性會議,請使用「無固定時間(No Fixed Time)」選項。
以下提供以Zoom電腦應用程式安排週期性會議,並將它們添加到您的Google 日曆或Outlook desktop App的相關說明。
如果您傾向先在Google日曆或 Outlook 電腦應用程式版安排週期性會議,週期性會議將自動出現在您的Zoom電腦應用程式會議介面。瞭解如何在Google Calendar 或 Outlook desktop app中安排會議。
Windows | macOS
1. 登錄Zoom電腦應用程式。
2. 點擊排程會議圖示按照步驟排程會議。
3. 確認勾選週期性會議選項(Recurring meeting )。
4. 在日曆選項中,選擇您慣用的會議排程顯示日曆。
5. 點擊儲存以打開您選擇的日曆,並設置您的週期性會議。
6. 根據您的日曆選擇,參考以下對應說明。
如果您在Zoom電腦應用程式中安排週期性會議時選擇了Google 日曆,則會開啟瀏覽器網頁,提示您登入Google帳號以將週期性會議添加到您的日曆中。
1. 出現登入提醒時,請登入Google帳號。如果您已登入,請選擇您的Google 帳號。
2. 點擊允許讓Zoom連進您的Google帳戶。
3. 在日期和時間選項下方的下拉選單中,選擇您想要的會議重複週期。
4. 完成您的會議選項,然後點擊儲存。
在Outlook desktop中設置週期性會議
如果您在Zoom電腦應用程式中安排週期性會議時選擇了Outlook,則會打開 Outlook desktop App。
注意:您必須在電腦上安裝 Outlook desktop app才能使用。要在 Outlook web app上設置週期Zoom會議,請查看Zoom Scheduler外掛程式( Zoom Scheduler add-in)。
1. 在Outlook應用程式頂部工具欄中點擊”設成週期性” (Recurrence)。
2. 更改您需要的會議重複週期,然後點擊OK。
3. 完成會議選項,並點擊發送。
1. 登入Zoom應用程式(Zoom desktop client)。
2. 點擊會議選項(Meetings tab)。
3. 在左側顯示畫面中,向下滾動到週期性會議部分(Recurring meeting)以找到您的週期性會議。點擊該場會議可查看更多詳細會議資訊和設定。
Android版本更新資訊-July 24, 2023
version 5.15.5 (15154) for Android
New and enhanced features
- Meeting/webinar features
- AV1 video codec
To provide higher quality video without also increasing bandwidth usage, Zoom is rolling out a new video codec to free accounts. Use of codecs, including AV1, is adaptive, meaning that Zoom will choose the most appropriate codec for each user’s environment.
- AV1 video codec
Resolved Issues
- Minor bug fixes
- Security enhancements
- Resolved an issue for a subset of users regarding the possibility of calls unexpectedly merging
- Resolved an issue regarding the 4294967295 error code encountered when scheduling meetings
- Resolved an issue with shared contact lists not appearing
- Resolved an issue regarding the start of a poll and breakout rooms not notifying users with in-meeting chat open
- Resolved an issue regarding contacts not appearing properly in search results
- Resolved an issue regarding notifications being inconsistently blocked with Intune policies
資料出處 Zoom總公司官網
macOS版本更新資訊-July 24, 2023
version 5.15.5 (20753) for macOS
New and enhanced features
- General features
- WiFi signal strength tracking
Desktop client users can view their current WiFi connection statistics, such as RSSI level, noise, and more, through the Statistics tab in client settings. This data is also available to account admins viewing a meeting participant’s network statistics in the Zoom Dashboard, allowing them to view connectivity issues and trends over the duration of the meeting.
- WiFi signal strength tracking
- Meeting/webinar features
- AV1 video codec
To provide higher quality video without also increasing bandwidth usage, Zoom is rolling out a new video codec to free accounts. Use of codecs, including AV1, is adaptive, meaning that Zoom will choose the most appropriate codec for each user’s environment.
- AV1 video codec
- Meeting features
- Disable remote control for external users
Account admins can restrict the ability of guest participants to remote control another participant’s screen during share. This allows internal participants to continue to use remote control as needed, while external unauthenticated participants are blocked from requesting or being given remote control of shared screens. Previously, remote control could only be controlled for all meeting participants. - Hide meeting window option for in-meeting chat screenshot
Participants using in-meeting chat can choose to hide the Zoom meeting window when capturing a screenshot. This can be especially useful for single-screen users, as the Zoom window is immediately hidden when starting a capture, and returns when the screen shot is selected or the process is canceled. - Meeting Summary: Next Steps and Segment Titles
The Meeting Summary feature, which uses AI to analyze and summarize in-meeting discussions, is enhanced to also include a list of next steps mentioned in the meeting and titles for each segment of the meeting . These next steps and segment titles are included in the email and Team Chat summary shared with the host and participants (if allowed). - Unified meeting scheduler
The main meeting scheduler on the Home tab of the Zoom desktop client is changing to align with the event scheduler used by Zoom Calendar, simplifying scheduling with Zoom for whichever method you choose. This feature requires version 5.15.5 or higher. This change is rolling out to free accounts over the coming weeks.
- Disable remote control for external users
- Mail and Calendar features
- Translation enhancement added to right-click menu actions
Right-clicking text that is in an email displays a menu, providing options to copy or translate the text. - Import Office 365 emails to Zoom Mail
Users can import their emails from Office 365 to their Zoom Mail account. - Private label for delegators
Delegators can move emails or filter emails into a private label in the inbox. Delegates cannot see or access emails that are in the private label. - Exit a delegated inbox
Delegates can permanently leave an inbox they are delegated. The delegator will be notified if a delegate chooses to leave their inbox. - Optional attendees
When scheduling an event, users can mark attendees Optional so that these attendees know they are not required to join.Once the meeting is created, optional attendees will receive invitation emails that indicate they are not required to join the meeting. - Support for Whiteboard integration with Zoom Calendar
When users create a Zoom Calendar invite, they can add a new or existing whiteboard directly in their invite. When users attach a whiteboard to an invite, it becomes a simplified link in the email invite. - Suggested times when scheduling an event
The suggested time automatically recommends available time slots based on all attendees’ availability. Previously, when scheduling an event/meeting, the host manually looked at each attendee’s availability to find a mutually available time.
Note: This feature is currently only available for Google and Zoom Calendar users. - Show secondary time zone
Users can see two time zones side by side when they collaborate with a colleague from a different time zone. Users can also enable or disable the second time zone when they schedule meetings with colleagues in the same time zone. Additionally, users can also customize the name of each time zone.
- Translation enhancement added to right-click menu actions
Resolved Issues
- Minor bug fixes
- Security enhancements
- Resolved an issue for a subset of users regarding the possibility of calls unexpectedly merging
- Resolved an issue regarding the 4294967295 error code encountered when scheduling meetings
- Resolved an issue regarding client settings being lost after an OS update
資料出處 Zoom總公司官網
Windows版本更新資訊-July 24, 2023
version 5.15.5 (19404) for Windows
New and enhanced features
- General features
- WiFi signal strength tracking
Desktop client users can view their current WiFi connection statistics, such as RSSI level, noise, and more, through the Statistics tab in client settings. This data is also available to account admins viewing a meeting participant’s network statistics in the Zoom Dashboard, allowing them to view connectivity issues and trends over the duration of the meeting.
- WiFi signal strength tracking
- Meeting/webinar features
- AV1 video codec
To provide higher quality video without also increasing bandwidth usage, Zoom is rolling out a new video codec to free accounts. Use of codecs, including AV1, is adaptive, meaning that Zoom will choose the most appropriate codec for each user’s environment.
- AV1 video codec
- Meeting features
- Disable remote control for external users
Account admins can restrict the ability of guest participants to remote control another participant’s screen during share. This allows internal participants to continue to use remote control as needed, while external unauthenticated participants are blocked from requesting or being given remote control of shared screens. Previously, remote control could only be controlled for all meeting participants. - Hide meeting window option for in-meeting chat screenshot
Participants using in-meeting chat can choose to hide the Zoom meeting window when capturing a screenshot. This can be especially useful for single-screen users, as the Zoom window is immediately hidden when starting a capture, and returns when the screen shot is selected or the process is canceled. - Meeting Summary: Next Steps and Segment Titles
The Meeting Summary feature, which uses AI to analyze and summarize in-meeting discussions, is enhanced to also include a list of next steps mentioned in the meeting and titles for each segment of the meeting . These next steps and segment titles are included in the email and Team Chat summary shared with the host and participants (if allowed). - Unified meeting scheduler
The main meeting scheduler on the Home tab of the Zoom desktop client is changing to align with the event scheduler used by Zoom Calendar, simplifying scheduling with Zoom for whichever method you choose. This feature requires version 5.15.5 or higher. This change is rolling out to free accounts over the coming weeks.
- Disable remote control for external users
- Mail and Calendar features
- Translation enhancement added to right-click menu actions
Right-clicking text that is in an email displays a menu, providing options to copy or translate the text. - Import Office 365 emails to Zoom Mail
Users can import their emails from Office 365 to their Zoom Mail account. - Private label for delegators
Delegators can move emails or filter emails into a private label in the inbox. Delegates cannot see or access emails that are in the private label. - Exit a delegated inbox
Delegates can permanently leave an inbox they are delegated. The delegator will be notified if a delegate chooses to leave their inbox. - Optional attendees
When scheduling an event, users can mark attendees Optional so that these attendees know they are not required to join.Once the meeting is created, optional attendees will receive invitation emails that indicate they are not required to join the meeting. - Support for Whiteboard integration with Zoom Calendar
When users create a Zoom Calendar invite, they can add a new or existing whiteboard directly in their invite. When users attach a whiteboard to an invite, it becomes a simplified link in the email invite. - Suggested times when scheduling an event
The suggested time automatically recommends available time slots based on all attendees’ availability. Previously, when scheduling an event/meeting, the host manually looked at each attendee’s availability to find a mutually available time.
Note: This feature is currently only available for Google and Zoom Calendar users. - Show secondary time zone
Users can see two time zones side by side when they collaborate with a colleague from a different time zone. Users can also enable or disable the second time zone when they schedule meetings with colleagues in the same time zone. Additionally, users can also customize the name of each time zone.
- Translation enhancement added to right-click menu actions
Resolved Issues
- Minor bug fixes
- Security enhancements
- Resolved an issue for a subset of users regarding the possibility of calls unexpectedly merging
- Resolved an issue regarding the 4294967295 error code encountered when scheduling meetings
- Resolved an issue when editing a message in Team Chat where the Up and Down keys behaved unexpectedly
- Resolved an issue regarding inconsistent behavior with the AlwaysShowMeetingControl policy
- Resolved an issue regarding the default app for SIP click-to-dial links switching unexpectedly to Zoom
- Resolved an issue regarding ringtones set for Contact Center calls not being persistent
資料出處 Zoom總公司官網